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"The 7 mistakes that kill your business" by Paolo Meucci

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  /  Network Marketing   /  How on-line network marketing completely changed my business

How on-line network marketing completely changed my business

Hi, I’m Paolo and I want to welcome you into my world…the world of Unstoppable Generation and on-line network marketing.

I started my Network Marketing business more than 20 years ago. At that time, I just finished graduated from college. I was in Netherlands, I wasn’t there to study or for fun either. I earned my living working where I could. I moved to Netherlands to know more, not just about the world, but mostly about me.

I just graduated in Economics and my family wanted me to become an economist, accountant or something similar.

I chose Netherlands for a range of reasons, however the destination was not crucial at that time.

You know, it was like one of those trips that you take to run away from something that you don’t really know what it is. And in which you’re looking for something undefined.

Although I was a young man without a goal, or a project, I met network marketing for the first time in Netherlands. I had an invitation to a presentation where I met a successful American entrepreneur. It was then that I first got information about this field.

Do you know what I liked most in that presentation?
Those tiny circles used to explain Network Marketing, the numbers placed in column and potential exponential growth, and above all, the idea of being able to work and build a monthly passive income. I was lazy, and I did not want to work, and that seemed the easiest way to work less and have an income for life (alas… I had to change my mind pretty soon).

During the first month, I worked with the support of my sponsor: he taught me all about presenting the product, inviting people to events, managing a team. By the end of the month I new all the theory…I just needed to practice.

He gave me an assignment to train my practice. I was supposed to book the next company event.
He told me to go to Dallas to join the global convention to be held in the following months.


I didn’t have much money, but I believed in him and what he told me, I started to plan my trip and find a way to be there.

After Dallas I felt 100% motivated, I was ready to start and build my million dollar business. I had an office in the Netherlands with tables, phones and the “yellow pages” (the Dutch ones). The job was about being on the phone all day, making cold calls, inviting people to events or making appointments, hoping to find someone willing to listen to me.

At that time, I had friends and colleagues that I met in the Netherlands. Some of them were incredibly strong, they could spend an entire day on the phone with scripts at hand, they could hold on people addressing with swearwords, insults and constantly saying “No”. The truth was that I couldn’t go on like this. So I tried to build my business in my own way.

The result?

I had a hard time during my first 4 years of Business. Meanwhile, I left the Netherlands and went back to Italy. My goal, and my hope, was to open Italian market to the company’s operations. It was a crazy idea, but I was young, motivated and I felt the fire inside. I don’t know if I could do the same today. Across those four years, something made me hold on to my dream, and kept me going on… despite everything.

The Dallas Conference marked a milestone in me, it opened my mind and paved the way to make my dream come true.

I had no income at all for four years,

just the bare minimum to survive and pay the Business expenses, which at that time were a lot (events, car, invitations to lunch, phone bills, decent clothes … etc, etc, etc.).

I had a time of frustration and at times I really thought I would have never made it. But, I never gave up.

My start as an entrepreneur may seem a disaster. But, this experience just shaped me as a network marketing professional. If I hadn’t gone through those four years, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I really believed in my dream, and after four years of business, I made a strong decision: give all of myself to this business.

In one year I switched from almost zero, to be one of the Top Three in Italy and among the top in Europe, reaching a level that only 50 people across Europe could reach.

In that year, I realized something important: my first four years were just a game. I worked hard, but I hadn’t any goal, no strategy, no plans, I didn’t have the right Focus.

I had a great life for 15 more years, until 2014. After 20 years of Business in this area, my income exceeded €100,000 a year. I was satisfied, I bought many cars, and I traveled a lot…

After meeting many professionals around the world, my ultimate goal was making my dream come true as an entrepreneur.

I wanted to achieve my goal of having a million-dollar-business, to reach an income of €1 million per year.

Even if things didn’t go well when I started, I couldn’t stop thinking about this. However, over the past 2 years, before 2014, something didn’t go the right way.

The Business couldn’t grow, in fact, it was going the wrong way, which wasn’t as I expected.
I started getting worried, first of all about my Team, about those people who trusted me and were working with me on this project. I really started to literally fund some managers in my Business. From full time with stable and growing earnings, their incomes started to be significantly lower, and so were starting financial problems as well.

My revenues were very month lower. The success i achieved in 20 years, was fading and it was happening really fast.

The time had come to reinvent myself, to rediscover a new way, a new strategy, a new method. I had just a few money left every month and I invested those money in On-line courses or Live Coaching for American and foreign entrepreneurs. I started thinking that Off-line Business was outdated and that restarting it up would be impossible.

The world was changing. The person I was in 1993 – my energy and my determination to drive around the city every day to manage events, make appointments and phone calls – was just fading away. I had to do something completely different, I had to


that could simpler and repeatable by other people.

After studying Blogging, Email Marketing, Attraction Marketing, after attending courses held by Eric Worre, Mike Dillard, Dan Kennedy, Eben Pagan, Italo cillo, Jonathan Budd and many other representatives of Online Marketing and Business in general, I started my path to build my sales Funnel.

A Funnel is a path designed and built specifically to lead a person to say yes to any offer you propose, and at that moment, I felt it was an effective solution to start over.

And so began another year of money invested on website, videos, E-book, to create content through a persuasive copywriting. And 2012 ended with a project that was actually ready but that never started. Problems were too many even before its launch.

In 2013 I gave birth to two other important Marketing Tools, laying structural, technical and content foundations for a really ambitious project. My idea was to make Network Marketing fully automated from A to Z.

Was this possible? Soon I realized: this was a failure too.

But at the same time, there was something going on in my Team. Everybody was itchy to discover the laws governing Online Market, the secrets to become super digital entrepreneurs in the Network Marketing industry.

My best distributors and “misadventure” fellows were with me, and new people, new young minds approached this Business.

In that year I met and got to know Stefano and Andrea, the Twins. Two young 23-year-old guys, who had no earnings during their first year of business,

but constantly joined all the events and all the conventions.

And with them, in 2013, I tried to start the project called Futuristic Plan, another failure, of course. However, this got us closer and closer to the solution.

Network Marketing automation was still far from my business, but in the twins’ young, twisted mind there was something that reminded me of myself in 1993 when I was starting my business.

With them, with the support of the Team and with new methods discovered in late 2013, we started the process of reprogramming our way of working from “A” to “Z”. At the end of 2013 the first “miracle” took place. This was giving new shape to our dreams.

2014 began and Unstoppable Generation was born.

If you already read the article that I mentioned above, you surely saw the numbers of our Business today and how that works.

After just 2 years and a half of On-line Business on social media I reached my goal of 7 figures. But this is no guarantee that you will get this result because, as you may understand by reading my story, this is the result of 20 years of hard work, mistakes, challenges, tests and failures.

However, I know one thing: On-line is a great tool for every entrepreneur in 21st century

Network Marketing is changing, or perhaps it has already changed, and Unstoppable Generation contributed to change it.

Today’s pace is faster than 10, 15 or 25 years ago. Today, if you want to achieve a big goal, you can do it with different timescales but you need tools, strategy, training and right techniques. Once you learn all this, you can build any business from scratch.

Today I’m not the same as in 1993.

My dreams are always alive and my drive is always the same. After 25 years of business, after helping hundreds of people achieving important results as entrepreneurs, and after creating an organization with tens of thousands of customers per month, I feel that I HAVE to share my experience and my skills, and most importantly, my story with anyone who won’t give up facing challenges, with those who dream of changing their lives, who are fed up with their way of living and want to literally change everything.

I know that many people start this job with worries and fears.

Many just want to improve their financial situation, but others really want to change. I feel that I want to be there for them. For these people, for these DREAMERS, I feel I must tell what happened, explain how it worked for me before and how it is working for me today.

I want to tell the truth, the myths, the problems, the solutions, the techniques, the strategies and the secrets, to achieve extraordinary results.

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